Any Way the Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell

Hi All! It’s Becky. I love Rainbow Rowell’s Simon Snow series, and I couldn’t wait for the final book in the series. I finally got to listen to the audiobook, and I wasn’t disappointed at all.

Title: Any Way the Wind Blows
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Note: I listened to the audiobook.

Summary: Simon, Baz, Penny, and Agatha have returned to England after their American misadventure. Simon and his friends must decide where they will go in the future. Their lives are made more difficult by a new threat to the magic world and their many romantic issues. Can these young mages find happiness and save the world?

Review: I am a Simon Snow fangirl.  Carry On hooked me with its amazing characters and adventures.  Any Way the Wind Blows has the same strong characters, humor, and fast-moving plot as the other books in the series.

Any Way the Wind Blows starts where Wayward Son left off. Simon, Baz, and their friends have returned from their adventures in the United States. The book immediately presents a new threat to the magic world, and our heroes band together to defeat it. Simon, Baz, and Penny find themselves on a fast-paced adventure to save the magical world. Their experience was delightful to read while also carefully developing the characters. It gave the ragtag group a final adventure that was perfect for fans of the series. 

The best part of Any Way the Wind Blows is the characters. Rowell beautifully gave the characters more depth while also staying true to their previous development. Simon grows into a young man who is dealing with his complicated emotions and learning about his past. Baz grows into his true self and steps into his role as an adult. Penny discovers there is more to life than her magical powers and finds happiness. The characters and their growth are complex and realistic while being humorous and extraordinary. I loved reading about Simon learning about his parents, Baz growing closer to his family, Penny stands up to her mother, and Simon and Baz working on their relationship. Simon, Baz, and Penny made this book worth reading.

Yet, there was a weakness in the story. I am not sure why Rowell dedicated so much of the book to Agatha. Agatha was a minor character in the book. Her story doesn’t impact of the others characters’ stories, and I was disappointed when the book shifted to her story. Her story didn’t add anything to the overall narrative of the novel and was unnecessary.

However, even with the issue of Agatha, Any Way the Wind Blow was a perfect ending to one of my favorite series, and I highly recommend it.

Final Rating: 4.5 out of 5

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